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27 Jan 2021

Entrepreneurship Development Phases

Teerthanker Mahaveer University's Institution Innovation Council coordinated a webinar on 'Entrepreneurship Development phases' by the guest speaker Dr. Deepak Mendiratta on 27th January 2021.

The session was convened by Dr. Geetanshu Dawar (Convener, IIC/TMU) by welcoming the guest speaker and patrons.

The session focused on understanding the critical features of Entrepreneurship and the phases of the journey of entrepreneurship. Namely, as an idea, need, decision, data, execution, growth, and long-term plan, short-term plans.

The challenges in the journey that arise may be legal or at an organizational/ execution level, or maybe even at a developmental stage that one can face during the process. These phases and problems were spoken with suitable case studies ensuring a better understanding of it.

The session concluded with a vote of thanks to the Speaker, Dr. Manjula Jain, President (IIC, TMU), and all the patrons attending the session.

Total registrations: 216