About Us
Promoting entrepreneurship is central to the vision of Teerthanker Mahaveer University.
Business Incubation Centre (BIC) set up at Teerthanker Mahaveer University with the aim of serving as an active catalyst for the development of promising entrepreneurs. It is a step to assist budding entrepreneurs in their start up journey and to support developing start up eco system in India.
BIC has advantage of access to resources of engineering,medical,nursing,pharmacy and agriculture colleges of the university. Specialised labs and highly qualified faculty is available to guide start up in their technical and business endeavours. We have highly qualified mentors to support Incubatee.
BIC is sector agnostic and welcomes start-ups from diverse fields.
BIC’s incubation program is an intensive business development program that supports founders and helps them turn their ideas into successful businesses. The support comes in a form of mentorship, office space and some starting capital (seed money).
BIC Teerthanker Mahaveer University welcomes startups for incubation, irrespective of being part of the university as student or faculty. The aim of BIC is to create an ecosystem which is conducive for innovation, where start-ups and new ventures thrive. With a view to nurture these start-ups, BIC offers virtual as well as physical incubation.
To act as an entrepreneurial training institution with an encouraging ecosystem to nurture innovation and ideas through all stages and transform them into sustainable businesses that will drive economic growth and serve society.
To cultivate and foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, by all means, i.e., best-in-class infrastructure, advisory, and investment support within the University ecosystem in order to build a prototype solution for the societal, environmental, national, and global level advancement.
Focus & Values
Teerhanker Mahaveer University's Business Incubator Centre focuses on having the liberty and providing the resources to pursue the journey from 'ideas to action,' because, as William Ward quotes, "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it." Read More
01 Network
Building and creating the right blend of network and relationships with key stakeholders, for sustainable existence.
02 Commercialization Support
Commercialization support for creating sustainable business. Business planning & product launch support.
03 Facility
Physical/ Virtual Infrastructure & Value- added incubation services. State of the art Research Infrastructure.
04 Mentorship
Workshop and expert mentorship from distinguish industry stalwarts.

Our Highlights
Incubation Program
It is 12-month program wherein startups are provided with all necessary support services viz.infrastructure,mentoring,advisory services,legal and regulatory services,IPR Facilitation ,funding Facilitation and networking Support.

Mr DC Bisht
General ManagerSanserra Engineering Pvt Ltd

Mr Vishal Sehgal
DirectorNischay Educorp Private Limited,New Delhi

Dr. Vinay Sagar
Postdoctoral researcherNorthwestern University

Dr. Aditya Sharma
RegistrarTeerthanker Mahaveer University

Ms. Sangeeta Rai Chaudhary
Executive DirectorTurbostart

PresidentYouth Integrated development society

Vinay Litoria
Director Corporate CellGautam Buddha University(GBU)

Shani Choudhary
DirectorBiosup Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Orientation Session on Innovation
An orientation session on the topic of innovation was arranged for all the faculty members and the students of[...]

How to Plan Start-ups Legally and Ethically
Start-up ecosystems are essential for a developing economy like India's, but what is[...]

Teerthanker Mahaveer University's Institution Innovation Cell organized a webinar on the occasion of World Wildlife Day with the Department[...]

Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights
Since the Institution Innovation Council (IIC) deals with propagating innovation securing these ideas and innovations is equally important, so[...]

Entrepreneurship Development Phases
Teerthanker Mahaveer University's Institution Innovation Council coordinated a webinar on 'Entrepreneurship Development phases' by the guest speaker Dr. Deepak[...]
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